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Day 2 Discover I have no ticket

I woke up in the morning after my long crazy adventure to see the castles of Romania and was having a chat with the hostel staff. I was asking what time I needed to leave the next day to make it to the airport in time. He gave me all the information I needed and then I made the joke that as long as my airline didn’t go under I would be OK. He asked me who I was flying with. I said “SkyEurope” and his face dropped “They went bankrupt last week”. I swore he was kidding but he wasn’t!

That was the start of a 6 hour journey to two different airports on many busses scrambling to figure a way out of Romania. Eventually I nailed down a ticket at a cost of 142 Euro and that was only because my iPod still had my bankrupt ticket. Without it I would have been paying about 350 Euro. Sounds like a good deal, but my original ticket was only 24 Euro.

I was releived to be leaving and felt like I had just competed on “The Amazing Race”. There was much more to these stories but a blog can only go on for so long and I prefer to blog the more positive side of things.

I met an American guy back at the hostel who invited me out to “The Beer Carriage” for our last meal in Romania. It is a very fancy restaurant with good food and very busy. The have live entertainment and everyone is in costume. If it wasn’t for Kai I wouldn’t have gone so I was glad for that.

The Beer Carriage
The Beer Carriage
The Beer Carriage

The portions are ridiculous as you can see from Kai’s order below, basically a full roast of some kind of animal.

The Beer Carriage

Here is a video I snapped of the entertainment in the restaurant.

Sadly I had no appetite at the restaurant and I think basically due to such a stressful day I spent my last night in Bucharest getting sick. Luckily my flight to Vienna was early in the morning!

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